Sencilla clase desarrollada en PHP basada en el código de dreamvb desarrollado en VB 6.
Como usarla:
$Calc = new LexMath;
$Calc->init(); // Inicializa la clase.
Para agregar variables, se escriben de la siguiente forma:
$Calc->AddVar("pi", 3.14159265358979);
$Calc->AddVar("e", 2.71828182845905);
Y finalmente para realizar los cálculos se de realizar de la siguiente forma:
$Calc->Calc("area = 180");
$Calc->Calc("4 * Atn(1)")
$Calc->Calc("(-5 + 3)")
/** * * By DreamVB * Programado en PHP por HACKPRO TM (C) 2008-2010 * Versión: 1.0 * Todos los Derechos Reservados * ------------------------------------------ * @author Heriberto Mantilla Santamaría * @version 1.0 */ // Token Types define('LERROR', -1); define('NONE', 0); define('DELIMITER', 1); define('DIGIT', 2); define('LSTRING', 3); define('VARIABLE', 4); define('IDENTIFIER', 6); define('HEXDIGIT', 5); define('FINISHED', 7); // Relational define('GE', 1); // Greator than or equal to define('NE', 2); // Not equal to define('LE', 3); // Less than or equal to // Bitwise define('cAND', 4); define('cOR', 5); // Bitshift define('shr', 6); define('shl', 7); define('cXor', 8); define('cIMP', 9); define('cEqv', 11); // define('cINC', 12); class LexMath { var $Str_Ops = 'AND,OR,XOR,MOD,DIV,SHL,SHR,IMP,EQV,NOT'; var $Str_Funcs = 'ABS,ATN,COS,EXP,LOG,LN,RND,ROUND,SGN,SIN,SQR,TAN,SUM,IIF'; // We use this to store variables var $Token; // Current processing token var $TOK_TYPE; // Used to idenfiy the tokens var $Look_Pos; // Current processing char pointer var $ExprLine; // The Expression line to scan var $lVarCount; var $CalclMsg; var $lVars; function Abort($code, $aStr = '') { switch ($code) { case 0: $lMsg = 'Variable indefinida [' . $aStr . '] '; break; case 1: $lMsg = 'División por cero'; break; case 2: $lMsg = 'Falta paréntesis ")" '; break; case 3: $lMsg = 'Dígito inválido [' . $aStr . '] '; break; case 4: $lMsg = 'Carácter desconocido [' . $aStr . '] '; break; case 5: $lMsg = 'La Variable [' . $aStr . '] es un identificador y no puede usarse.'; break; case 6: $lMsg = "Expresión prevista."; break; case 7: $lMsg = 'Valor hexagesimal inválido [0x' . strtoupper($aStr) . '] '; break; } $this->CalclMsg = $lMsg; $this->Look_Pos = strlen($this->ExprLine) + 1; } function AddVar($name, $lValue = 0) { // Add a new variable along with the variables value. $this->lVars[$name] = $lValue; // Add variable name and varaible data $this->lVarCount = $this->lVarCount + 1; // INC variable Counter } function Atom() { $atom = ''; // Check for Digits ,Hexadecimal,Functions, Variables switch ($this->TOK_TYPE) { case HEXDIGIT: // Hexadecimal $Temp = trim($this->strright($this->Token, strlen($this->Token) - 2)); if (strlen($Temp) == 0) { $this->Abort(6); return; } else if ($this->isHex($Temp) == false) { $this->Abort(7, $Temp); return; } else { $atom = hexdec("&H" . $Temp); $this->GetToken(); } break; case IDENTIFIER: // Inbuilt Functions $atom = $this->CallIntFunc($this->Token); $this->GetToken(); break; case DIGIT: // Digit const found if (is_numeric($this->Token) == false) { $this->Abort(3, $this->Token); // Check we have a real digit return; } $atom = $this->Token; // Return the value $this->GetToken(); // Get next token break; case LERROR: // Expression phase error $this->Abort(0, $this->Token); // Show error message break; return; case VARIABLE: // Variable found if ($this->FindVarIdx($this->Token) == -1) { $this->Abort(0, $this->Token); return; } $atom = $this->GetVarData($this->Token); // Return variable value $this->GetToken(); // Get next token break; } return $atom; } function CallIntFunc($sFunction) { // ABS,ATN,COS,EXP,LOG,RND,ROUND,SGN,SIN,SQR,TAN,IFF switch (strtoupper($sFunction)) { case 'ABS': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = abs($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'ATN': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = atan($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'COS': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = cos($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'EXP': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = exp($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'LOG': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = log10($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'LN': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = log($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'RND': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = $this->Rnd($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'ROUND': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = round($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'SGN': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = $this->Sgn($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'SIN': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = sin($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'SQR': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = sqrt($Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'TAN': $this->GetToken(); $Temp = $this->Exp6(); $CallIntF = tan(Temp); $this->PushBack(); break; case 'SUM': $ArgList = $this->GetArgs(); $Temp = 0; for ($X = 0; $X < count($ArgList); $X++) { $Temp = $this->CDbl($Temp) + $this->CDbl($ArgList[$X]); } $this->GetToken(); $CallIntF = $Temp; $this->PushBack(); break; case 'IIF': $ArgList = $this->GetArgs(); $CallIntF = $this->IIf($ArgList[0], $ArgList[1], $ArgList[2]); $this->PushBack(); break; } return $CallIntF; } function ClearVar() { $this->lVarCount = 0; unset($this->lVars); // Resize variable stack } function Calc($Expression, $printExpression = false) { $this->CalclMsg = ''; $this->ExprLine = $Expression; // Store the expression to scan $this->Look_Pos = 1; // Default state of char pos $this->GetToken(); // Kick start and Get the first token. if (($this->TOK_TYPE == FINISHED) or (strlen(trim($Expression)) == 0)) { return null; exit; } else { $Return = $this->Exp0(); } if ($printExpression == true) { $Return = $Expression . ' : ' . $Return; } if (strlen($this->CalclMsg) > 0) { return 'NaN'; } else { return $Return; } } function Sgn($val) { return $val == 0 ? 0 : ($val > 0 ? 1 : -1); } function Mid($tmp, $start, $length = '') { $start -= 1; if (is_string($length) == true) { $length = strlen($tmp); } $str = substr($tmp, $start, $length); return $str; } function strleft($tmp, $nLeft) { $len = strlen($tmp); if ($nLeft == 0) { $str = ''; } else if ($nLeft < $len) { $str = $this->Mid($tmp, 1, $nLeft); } return $str; } function strright($tmp, $nRight) { $len = strlen($tmp); if ($nRight == 0) { $str = ''; } else if ($nRight < $len) { $str = $this->Mid($tmp, $len - $nRight + 1, $len); } return $str; } function CDbl(&$Temp) { settype($varTemp, 'double'); $varTemp = $Temp; return $varTemp; } function Rnd() { srand(); // Initialize random-number generator. do { $tmp = abs(tan(rand())); } while (($tmp > "1") || ($tmp < "0")); $tmp = $this->Mid($tmp, 1, 8); return $tmp; } function IIf($tst, $cmp, $bad) { return (($tst == $cmp) ? $cmp : $bad); } function Exp0() { // Assignments if ($this->TOK_TYPE == VARIABLE) { // Store temp type and token // we first need to check if the variable name is not an identifier if ($this->isIdent($this->Token) == true) { $this->Abort(5, $this->Token); } $Tmp_tokType = $this->TOK_TYPE; $Tmp_Token = $this->Token; // Locate the variables index $Var_Idx = $this->FindVarIdx($this->Token); // If we have an invaild var index -1 we Must add a new variable if ($Var_Idx == null) { // Add the new variable $this->AddVar($this->Token); // Now get the variable index again $Var_Idx = $this->FindVarIdx($this->Token); } else { $Exp0 = $this->Exp1(); return $Exp0; } // Get the next token $this->GetToken(); if ($this->Token != '=') { $this->PushBack(); // Move expr pointer back $this->Token = $Tmp_Token; // Restore temp token $this->TOK_TYPE = $Tmp_tokType; // Restore temp token type } else { // Carry on processing the expression $this->GetToken(); // Set the variables value $Temp = $this->Exp1(); $this->SetVar($Var_Idx, $Temp); $Exp0 = $Temp; } } $Exp0 = $this->Exp1(); return $Exp0; } function Exp1() { // Relational operators $Relops = chr(GE) . chr(NE) . chr(LE) . '<>=!' . chr(0); $Exp1 = $this->Exp2(); $op = $this->Token; // Get operator if (empty($op) == true) { $rPos = -1; } else { $rPos = strpos($Relops, $op); // Check for other ops in token <> = } if ($rPos > 0) { $this->GetToken(); // Get next token $Temp = $this->Exp2(); // Store temp val switch ($op) { case '<': // less { $Exp1 = $this->CDbl($Exp1) < $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case '>': // greator than $Exp1 = $this->CDbl($Exp1) > $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(NE): $Exp1 = $this->CDbl($Exp1) != $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(LE): $Exp1 = $this->CDbl($Exp1) <= $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(GE): $Exp1 = $this->CDbl($Exp1) >= $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case '=': // equal to $Exp1 = $this->CDbl($Exp1) == $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case '!': $Exp1 = !$this->CDbl($Temp); break; } // op = Token } return $Exp1; } function Exp2() { // Add or Subtact two terms $Exp2 = $this->Exp3(); $op = $this->Token; // Get operator while (($op == "+") or ($op == "-")) { $this->GetToken(); // Get next token $Temp = $this->Exp3(); // Temp value // Peform the expresion for the operator switch ($op) { case '-': $Exp2 = $this->CDbl($Exp2) - $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case '+': $Exp2 = $this->CDbl($Exp2) + $this->CDbl($Temp); break; } $op = $this->Token; } return $Exp2; } function Exp3() { // Multiply or Divide two factors $Exp3 = $this->Exp4(); $op = $this->Token; // Get operator while (($op == "*") or ($op == "/") or ($op == "\\") or ($op == "%")) { $this->GetToken(); // Get next token $Temp = $this->Exp4(); // Temp value // Peform the expresion for the operator switch ($op) { case '*': $Exp3 = $this->CDbl($Exp3) * $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case '/': if ($Temp == 0) { $this->Abort(1); return; } $Exp3 = $this->CDbl($Exp3) / $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case "\\": if ($Temp == 0) { $this->Abort(1); return; } $Exp3 = intval($this->CDbl($Exp3) / $this->CDbl($Temp)); break; case '%': if ($Temp == 0) { $this->Abort(1); return; } $Exp3 = $this->CDbl($Exp3) % $this->CDbl($Temp); break; } $op = $this->Token; } return $Exp3; } function Exp4() { // Bitwise operators ^ | & || && $BitWOps = chr(cAND) . chr(cOR) . chr(shl) . chr(shr) . chr(cXor) . chr(cIMP) . chr(cEqv) . '^|&' . chr(0); $Exp4 = $this->Exp5(); $op = $this->Token; // Get operator if (empty($op) == true) { $rPos = -1; } else { $rPos = strpos($BitWOps, $op); // Check for other ops in token <> = } if ($rPos === false) { } else { $this->GetToken(); // Get next token $Temp = $this->Exp5(); // Store temp val switch ($op) { case '^': // Excompnent $Exp4 = pow($this->CDbl($Exp4), $this->CDbl($Temp)); break; case '&': $Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) . $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(cAND): $Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) and $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(cOR): $Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) or $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(shl): // Bitshift Shift left $Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) * (pow(2, $this->CDbl($Temp))); break; case chr(shr): // bitshift right $Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) / (pow(2, $this->CDbl($Temp))); break; case chr(cXor): // Xor $Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) xor $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(cIMP): // IMP //$Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) Imp $this->CDbl($Temp); break; case chr(cEqv): // EQV //$Exp4 = $this->CDbl($Exp4) Eqv $this->CDbl($Temp); break; } } return $Exp4; } function Exp5() { $op = ''; // Unary +,- if (($this->TOK_TYPE == DELIMITER) and (($this->Token == "+") or ($this->Token == "-"))) { $op = $this->Token; $this->GetToken(); } $Exp5 = $this->Exp6(); if ($op == '-') { $Exp5 = -$this->CDbl($Exp5); } return $Exp5; } function Exp6() { // Check for Parenthesized expression if ($this->Token == '(') { $this->GetToken(); // Get next token $Exp6 = $this->Exp1(); // Check that we have a closeing bracket if ($this->Token != ')') { $this->Abort(2); return; } $this->GetToken(); // Get next token } else { $Exp6 = $this->atom(); } return $Exp6; } function FindVarIdx($name) { // Locate a variables position in the variables array $idx = null; // Bad position foreach ($this->lVars as $key => $value) { if (strtolower($key) == strtolower($name)) { $idx = $key; break; } } return $idx; } function GetArgs() { $this->GetToken(); $Count = 0; $Temp = array(); if ($this->Token != '(') { return; } do { $this->GetToken(); $Value = $this->Exp1(); $Temp[$Count] = $Value; $Count += 1; } while ($this->Token != ")"); $Count = 0; $Value = 0; return $Temp; } function GetToken() { $Temp = ''; // This is the main part of the pharser and is used to. // Identfiy all the tokens been scanned and return th correct token type // Clear current token info $this->Token = ''; $this->TOK_TYPE = NONE; $Exit = false; if ($this->Look_Pos > strlen($this->ExprLine)) { $this->TOK_TYPE = FINISHED; return; } // Above exsits the function if we are passed expr len while (($this->Look_Pos <= strlen($this->ExprLine)) and ($this->isWhite($this-> Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) == true)) { // Skip over white spaces. and stay within the expr len $this->Look_Pos += 1; // INC if ($this->Look_Pos > strlen($this->ExprLine)) { $Exit = true; break; } } if ($Exit == true) { return; } // Some little test I was doing to do Increment/Decrement operators -- ++ if (($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1) == '+') or ($this->Mid($this-> ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1) == '-')) { if (($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '+') or ($this->Mid ($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '-')) { $Temp = $this->Mid($this->ExprLine, 1, $this->Look_Pos - 1); if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '+') { $dTmp = $this->GetVarData($Temp) + 1; } else if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '-') { $dTmp = $this->GetVarData($Temp) - 1; } $this->SetVar($this->FindVarIdx($Temp), $dTmp); $this->Token = $Temp; return; } } // // if (($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1) == '&') or ($this->Mid($this-> ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1) == '|')) { // Bitwise code, I still got some work to do on this yet but it does the ones // that are listed below fine switch ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) { case '&': if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '&') { $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = chr(cAND); return; } else { $this->Look_Pos += 1; $this->Token = '&'; return; } break; case '|': if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '|') { $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = chr(cOR); return; } else { $this->Look_Pos += 1; $this->Token = '|'; return; } $this->TOK_TYPE = DELIMITER; break; } } if (($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1) == '<') or ($this->Mid($this-> ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1) == '>')) { // Check for Relational operators < > <= >= <> // check for not equal to get first op < switch ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) { case '<': if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '>') { // Not Equal to $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = Chr(NE); return; } else if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '=') { // Less { of equal to $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = chr(LE); return; } else if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '<') { // Bitshift left $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = chr(shl); return; } else { // Less { $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = '<'; return; } break; case '>': if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '=') { // Greator than or equal to $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = chr(GE); return; } else if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == '>') { $this->Look_Pos += 2; $this->Token = chr(shr); return; } else { // Greator than $this->Look_Pos = $this->Look_Pos + 1; $this->Token = '>'; return; } $this->TOK_TYPE = DELIMITER; break; } } if ($this->IsDelim($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) == true) { // Check if we have a Delimiter ;,+-<>^=(*)/\% $this->Token = $this->Token . $this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1); // Get next char $this->Look_Pos = $this->Look_Pos + 1; // INC $this->TOK_TYPE = DELIMITER; // Delimiter Token type } else if ($this->isDigit($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) == true) { // See if we are dealing with a Hexadecimal Value if ($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos + 1, 1) == 'x') { while ($this->isAlphaNum($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) == true) { $this->Token = $this->Token . $this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1); $this->Look_Pos += 1; $this->TOK_TYPE = HEXDIGIT; } return; } // Check if we are dealing with only digits 0 .. 9 while ($this->IsDelim($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) == false) { $this->Token .= $this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1); // Get next char $this->Look_Pos += 1; // INC if ($this->Look_Pos > strlen($this->ExprLine)) { break; } } $this->TOK_TYPE = DIGIT; // Digit token type } else if ($this->isAlpha($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) == true) { // Check if we have strings Note no string support in this version // this is only used for variables. while ($this->IsDelim($this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)) == false) { $this->Token .= $this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1); $this->Look_Pos += 1; // INC // tok_type = VARIABLE $this->TOK_TYPE = LSTRING; // String token type if ($this->Look_Pos > strlen($this->ExprLine)) { break; } } } else { $this->Abort(4, $this->Mid($this->ExprLine, $this->Look_Pos, 1)); $this->TOK_TYPE = FINISHED; } if ($this->TOK_TYPE == LSTRING) { // check for identifiers if ($this->isIdent($this->Token) == true) { $OkToken = false; switch (strtoupper($this->Token)) { case 'AND': $this->Token = chr(cAND); $OkToken = true; break; case 'OR': $this->Token = chr(cOR); $OkToken = true; break; case 'NOT': $this->Token = '!'; $OkToken = true; break; case 'IMP': $this->Token = chr(cIMP); $OkToken = true; break; case 'EQV': $this->Token = chr(cEqv); $OkToken = true; break; case 'DIV': $this->Token = "\\"; $OkToken = true; break; case 'MOD': $this->Token = "%"; $OkToken = true; break; case 'XOR': $this->Token = chr(cXor); $OkToken = true; break; case 'SHL': $this->Token = chr(shl); break; case 'SHR': $this->Token = chr(shr); break; } if ($OkToken == true) { return; } $this->TOK_TYPE = DELIMITER; return; } else if ($this->IsIdentFunc($this->Token) == true) { $this->TOK_TYPE = IDENTIFIER; // GetToken return; } else { $this->TOK_TYPE = VARIABLE; return; } } } function GetVarData($name) { // Return data from a variable stored in the variable stack return $this->lVars[$name]; } function init() { $this->lVarCount = 0; unset($this->lVars); $this->lVars = array(); } function isAlpha($c) { // Return true if we only have letters a-z A-Z if ((strtoupper($c) >= "A") and (strtoupper($c) <= "Z")) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isAlphaNum($c) { return ($this->isDigit($c) or $this->isAlpha($c)); } function IsDelim($c) { // Return true if we have a Delimiter $mystring = ' ;,+-<>^=(*)/\%&|!'; $pos = strpos($mystring, $c); if ($pos === false) { $pos = false; } else { $pos = true; } return $pos; } function isDigit($c) { // Return true when we only have a digit if (is_numeric($c) == false) { return false; } if (($c >= '0') and ($c <= '9')) { return true; } else { return false; } } function isHex($HexVal) { for ($X = 1; $X <= strlen($HexVal); $X++) { $c = $this->Mid($HexVal, $X, 1); switch (strtoupper($c)) { case 0: $isHex = true; break; case 1: $isHex = true; break; case 2: $isHex = true; break; case 3: $isHex = true; break; case 4: $isHex = true; break; case 5: $isHex = true; break; case 6: $isHex = true; break; case 7: $isHex = true; break; case 8: $isHex = true; break; case 9: $isHex = true; break; case 'A': $isHex = true; break; case 'B': $isHex = true; break; case 'C': $isHex = true; break; case 'D': $isHex = true; break; case 'E': $isHex = true; break; case 'F': $isHex = true; break; default: $isHex = false; break; } } return $isHex; } function isIdent($sIdentName) { $Idents = split(",", $this->Str_Ops); $IsIdentF = false; for ($X = 0; $X < count($Idents); $X++) { if (strtolower($Idents[$X]) == strtolower($sIdentName)) { $IsIdentF = true; break; } } $X = 0; unset($Idents); return $IsIdentF; } function IsIdentFunc($sIdentName) { $Idents = split(",", $this->Str_Funcs); $IsIdentF = false; for ($X = 0; $X < count($Idents); $X++) { if (strtolower($Idents[$X]) == strtolower($sIdentName)) { $IsIdentF = true; break; } } $X = 0; unset($Idents); return $IsIdentF; } function isWhite($c) { // Return true if we find a white space. if (($c == ' ') or ($c == chr(9))) { return true; } else { return false; } } function PushBack() { $tok_len = strlen($this->Token); $this->Look_Pos -= $tok_len; } function SetVar($vIdx, $lData = 0) { // Set a variables value, by using the variables index vIdx $this->lVars[$vIdx] = $lData; } }
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